
An Integrated Solution for Structural Dynamics Simulation, FE Model Verification, Validation and Updating

About Dynamic Design Solutions

Dynamic Design Solutions (“DDS”) is an independent and privately owned company that develops CAE software tools for validating simulation models, optimizing engineering designs, modal testing and automating simulation processes.

We provide solutions that help FEA and test engineers to improve the fidelity of FE models, identify structural properties, assess uncertainty of variables and incorporate variability into models. These validated models can then be used with more confidence to improve performance under real world conditions.

Integrating Test and FE Analysis:

Needs and Solutions

Designing products today offers many challenges: they must be stronger, lighter, safer, quieter, or using new materials. Products have to satisfy a widening range of design criteria, including environmental impacts.

To keep development time and cost competitive, companies rely on simulation tools. Finite element analysis (FEA) is a powerful technique to simulate the mechanical behavior of a product. The FEA method has matured to a point where design, meshing, analysis and postprocessing are highly integrated and automated. This predictive approach relies on the quality of the model, the software to analyze it and the engineering judgment of the analyst.

Experimental analysis methods are based on prototype measurements under laboratory conditions or testing real-life situations. They are effective to learn about the product and the environmental conditions.

“There can be no simulation without
a reality check.”

Validation of modeling revealing too coarse meshing of corners.

What is FEMtools Model Updating?

FEMtools is a solver- and platformindependent CAE program providing advanced analysis and scripting solutions. With its unique tools to bridge test and FEA, the best of both worlds are combined to check and improve the validity of FE simulation models.

By including parameter identification, model validation and updating in design and analysis, information about the model and the required level of refinement is obtained in a more efficient and productive way than costly trial-and-error approaches.

FEMtools supports analysts and test engineers in this knowledge and decisionbased process, offering a unique collection of tools that complement the generalpurpose finite element analysis codes and test systems.

Modal correlation and sensitivity analysis of an engine block.

Essential Tools for FE Model Verification, Validation and Updating

FEMtools is a modular application software designed around a relational database that can include analytical data and experimental data. All tools needed to correlate between two models, validate modeling assumptions, update input parameters and analyze uncertainty are included:

Direct Data Interfaces

Bi-directional interfaces with most popular finite element analysis and test codes assure natural integration in an existing CAE environment. Models are not limited in size.

Correlation Analysis

Quantitative and qualitative analysis of correlation between static and dynamic analysis data coming from different sources. Global correlation is used to identify matching shapes. Local correlation is used to select updating variables or to identify structural damage

Database Management

Utilities for interactive definition, editing and transforming data. Includes alignment of finite element and test models, expansion and reduction of databases.

Structural Dynamics Modification

Tools to rapidly estimate the influence of structural
changes on modal parameters of a structure.

Static and Dynamic Analysis

Solvers, time and frequency domain response analysis, and powerful substructuring methods are available to compute analytical predictions for comparison with experimental reference data. FEMtools also seamlessly integrates external solvers.

Sensitivity Analysis

Shows which parametric changes are effective and which are not. Supports boundary conditions, material properties, spring stiffness, and element geometry. Sensitivity information is used for design improvement and model updating.

Pretest Analysis

Interactive add-on tools are available for extracting rigid body properties from FRFs or modal parameters from FRFs or cross power spectra (OMA).

Automated FE Model Updating

Iterative process that modifies updating variables in order to minimize the ‘distance’ between test and simulation results. Results are used for mesh refinement, or identification of materials, joint stiffness and equivalent properties for use with low fidelity models.

Local stiffness adjustment of a powertrain after modal correlation with test.

Uncertainty Quantification and Propagation

Probabilistic methods to predict random properties of responses from random input properties.

Force Identification

Identification of harmonic forces from measurement of harmonic responses using an updated finite element model.

Graphics Viewers

Highly interactive tools for dynamic 3D visualization of finite element and test models, animated shapes and all FEMtools analysis results.

User Interface and Scripting

All tools are available through an easy to use menu interface. Procedures can be automated or customized using an integrated scripting language and API for database access, process control, and user interface programming.

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