

Model, Design or Analyze any Liquid, Gas, Two-Phase, Slurry Or Non-Newtonian Pipe Flow System from A Single Software Solution

About FluidFlow:

FluidFlow is designed to allow the modelling of fluid behavior within complex piping systems and accurately predict how the system will work for a given set of boundary conditions. The software uses a number of well-established models and correlations to solve the piping systems.

FluidFlow is a modular software product meaning you can choose the calculation modules which are relevant to your company and industry. You can therefore model any fluid type or phase state within one single model. This means you don’t have to purchase or learn how to use multiple software programs and spend extra time creating multiple models in separate programs to complete your design analysis.

The software includes powerful auto-sizing functionality and is provided with a comprehensive database of fluids, pumps, valves, pipes and components. You can also model non-standard fittings. This therefore means we can model practically any pipe fitting. Users can also add new fluids and components to the database, a task which you only need to complete once as the data will be stored for future modeling projects.

Heat transfer functionality is also included with each Module as standard, i.e., no extra cost.

There is no limit to the number of nodes you use to build your model, allowing greater modeling flexibility.

FluidFlow users have reported that the software has saved approximately 80% of engineer’s time vs excel when solving systems and 40% when compared to other software applications. The highly intuitive user interface combined with database of fluids and components has helped engineers get to grips with the program efficiently. This combined with world class technical product support helps you model your specific systems in an instant.

Fluidflow Modules



Two Phase

Dynamic Analysis

Heat Transfer

All modules have, as standard, the ability to include heat loss/gain from pipes. This includes buried pipe calculations, fixed temperature change, fixed heat transfer and a simple pipe heat transfer calculation. Temperature change or heat transfer to or from equipment such as heat exchangers is also included as standard. FluidFlow3 also allows the user to identify the optimum insulation thickness required to minimize heat transfer. All these fluids can be simulating from the Single model. Software also automatically track phase state throughout your entire pipe flow system. If you need to consider dynamic or time-based simulation fluidflow provides the perfect tool for the analysis.

Time Saving

Fluidflow automatically size pipes and equipment allows user to accelerate your design objectives & cut the pipe flow system design time by up to 80% whilst increasing energy efficiency and reliability of plant
Intuitive User Interface, short learning curve & rapid model construction helps save up to 80% time versus spreadsheets. Comprehensive databases of fluids, pipes and fittings included as standard. Quickly & easily add your own fluids and coamponents to master databases. Modular environment allows users to simulate liquid, gas, slurry or two-phase flow.

Accelerate the design process and avoid unnecessary over-sizing of piping and equipment, saving both design time and capital cost. FluidFlow will propose the most economical pipe size based on physical property data, capital equipment cost and energy costs.

Heat transfer functionality and database of insulation materials included on all FluidFlow modules, as standard. Consider conduction, radiation, and convection losses and optimize energy usage. Model shell and tube exchangers, plate exchangers, coils and autoclaves.

Traditions we use any plant design software to do the calculation. which has the capability but have limitations. Alternatively, we required to move on to the Spread sheets..

Here we need to do the feeding by our knowledge like all the data as per our records. If its wrong, its shows the wrong pressure and analysis.
Whereas in Fluidflow we design and do the piping Calculation, simulation using the actual Materials placed Inn. So, no chances for the mistake.

The database can be updated to add new information on the components and other modeling parameters found on the database tab. Once stored in the database, users would not need to add the information again. The data stored can be used for future applications..

Product Highlights:

Ease of use

Intuitive User Interface, short learning curve & rapid model construction helps save up to 80% time versus spreadsheets. Comprehensive databases of fluids, pipes and fittings included as standard. Quickly & easily add your own fluids and components to master databases.

Calculation Accuracy

Proven calculation reliability helps engineers create accurate designs and avoid costly errors. Designed and quality assured to enable users to produce economic and technically sound models, in the shortest possible time. FluidFlow is rigorously tested and verified against published data and real-world operating systems on a continuous basis.

Auto Sizing Technology

FluidFlow offers a fast and effective approach to automatically sizing piping and associated equipment. Accelerate the design process and avoid unnecessary over-sizing of piping and equipment, saving both design time and capital cost. FluidFlow will propose the most economical pipe size based on physical property data, capital equipment cost and energy costs.

Thermal Energy Transfer

Heat transfer functionality and database of insulation materials included on all FluidFlow modules, as standard. Consider conduction, radiation, and convection losses and optimize energy usage. Model shell and tube exchangers, plate exchangers, coils and autoclaves.

Customisable Reports

Communicate your designs quickly and effectively with fully customisable reports. Personalise reports with company logos and standard report format. Export complete flowsheet, bill of materials and generate reports in PDF, Word & Excel.

PCF File Import

Piping Component Files (.pcf’s) are file formats generated by various CAD tools such as SmartPlant 3D, CADWorx, Solidworks, Autodesk Inventor, Plant4D, Autoplant, Smart 3D and more. Put these files to even further use by importing PCF Files to FluidFlow Streamline design process and significantly reducing time required to solve and build piping systems.

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